Current Courses Available

The Craft.3

Commences September 8th, 7pm AEST - Playback Available

Early Bird Sale Available Until April 1st

Gather online and journey over 13 weeks with 15 guest Teachers on an array of topics connected to The Craft. Playback is available to each participant.

This course has been carefully curated with the aim of bringing participants interactive lessons that are engaging and experiential along with theoretical components to support. The variety of teachers and topics are hand picked and each round new, so that participants are exposed to a wide array of modalities, different perspectives and Teachers.

This course has seen over 30 different guest teachers and the main aim is to inspire you to develop your craft your way; taking what works for you and applying it to your practice!

This open level course is for those seeking to connect and learn, perhaps your dipping your big toe in and feeling it out and perhaps you are seasoned in your craft and would love to learn off the plethora of wonderful guest speakers.

Don't miss out on early bird as you will be saving 23% up until April, thereafter price increases to $1300. Payment plans can be made available to participants upon request and discussion.

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